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Serialization & Field Naming

GraphQL is case-sensitive. EntityGraphQL will automatically turn field and argument names from UpperCase to camelCase when you use the helper methods to create a schema with the default options. This means your C# code matches what C# code typically looks like and your GraphQL matches the GraphQL norm.


  • A mutation method in C# named AddMovie will be addMovie in the schema
  • A field entity named Movie will be named movie in the schema
  • A mutation arguments class (ActorArgs) with fields FirstName & Id will be arguments in the schema as firstName & id
  • If you're using the schema builder manually, the names you give will be the names used. E.g. schemaProvider.AddField("someField", ...) is different to schemaProvider.AddField("SomeField", ...)

Serializing Inherited Types

In versions prior to .NET 7, System.Text.Json doesn't support the serialization of polymorphic type hierarchies. For example, if a property's type is an interface or an abstract class, only the properties defined on the interface or abstract/union class are serialized, even if the runtime type has additional properties.

For this reason EntityGraphQL registers a RuntimeTypeJsonConverter class as part of the DefaultGraphQLResponseSerializer (credit to litleAndroidMan from

If you're overriding the DefaultGraphQLResponseSerializer or using System.Text.Json directly you can still use this class by registering it yourself.

jsonOptions.Converters.Add(new RuntimeTypeJsonConverter<object>());

You can also disable it by passing in your own jsonOptions when you register/create DefaultGraphQLResponseSerializer.

Override default naming

To override the default behavior you can pass in your own fieldNamer function when creating the SchemaProvider or configuring it.

services.AddGraphQLSchema<DemoContext>(options => {
options.FieldNamer = name => name; // use the dotnet name as is

Then make sure you follow your naming policy when adding fields to the schema.

services.AddGraphQLSchema<DemoContext>(options => {
options.FieldNamer = name => name; // use the dotnet name as is
options.ConfigureSchema = schema => {
schema.Query().AddField("SomeField", ...)

Note that this impacts the names used for fields and arguments in the GraphQL schema and how these are matched to a query. This can impact serialization, but is not serialization.

An example - our DemoContext with the default fieldNamer will create this GraphQL schema (trimmed down for the example). Note the camelCase naming.

schema {
query: Query

Type Query {
people: [Person]
person(id: ID!): Person

Type Person {
id: ID!
firstName: String!

This means queries need to match the casing as GraphQL is case-sensitive.

# will work
people {

# will fail
People {

The above query will generate typed objects before serialization with the matching names from the schema. Note the types are generated internally as part of compiling, users do not need to use/know them but it demonstrates serialization impact.

public class TempPersonResult
// names taken from schema naming - e.g. camelCase
public Guid id;
public string firstName;

The QueryResult object is a dictionary of root level queries { fieldName: object } and in the above case it would be

IEnumerable<TempPersonResult> people = ... // implementation is more complex and not shown here - see Entity Framework section for more info
QueryResult result = ctx => {
{"people", people} // key taken from schema file name - camelCase


We see how types/fields are named by default above and how to change that. Next you may want to change how data coming in or returned is deserialized or serialized.

You can customize how EntityGraphQL handles de/serialization by registering your own IGraphQLResponseSerializer and/or IGraphQLRequestDeserializer. Both should be registered before calling AddGraphQLSchema() as it adds the default implementations if not already registered.

  • IGraphQLRequestDeserializer - Used to deserialize an incoming POST body data into a QueryRequest object
  • IGraphQLResponseSerializer - Used to serialize a QueryResult object into the Response stream

The default implementations try to deserialize JSON into the QueryRequest object and serialize the QueryResult object to JSON using the following JSON options.

var jsonOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions
// the internal generated types use fields so include this
IncludeFields = true,
PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase, // match common JSON style and fits with many GraphQL tools
// Convert ENUMs to their string names
jsonOptions.Converters.Add(new JsonStringEnumConverter());
// this handles the dynamic/runtime types created when compiling queries
jsonOptions.Converters.Add(new RuntimeTypeJsonConverter());

You can quickly overwrite the default JSON options without implementing your own IGraphQLResponseSerializer and/or IGraphQLRequestDeserializer.

var jsonOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions
// the internal generated types use fields so include this
IncludeFields = true,
// leaving out the camelCase option
// overwrite the JSON options using the DefaultGraphQLResponseSerializer
services.AddSingleton<IGraphQLResponseSerializer>(new DefaultGraphQLResponseSerializer(jsonOptions));

Full PascalCase example

var jsonOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions
// the internal generated types use fields so include this
IncludeFields = true,
jsonOptions.Converters.Add(new JsonStringEnumConverter());
jsonOptions.Converters.Add(new RuntimeTypeJsonConverter());
services.AddSingleton<IGraphQLRequestDeserializer>(new DefaultGraphQLRequestDeserializer(jsonOptions));
services.AddSingleton<IGraphQLResponseSerializer>(new DefaultGraphQLResponseSerializer(jsonOptions));

services.AddGraphQLSchema<DemoContext>(options =>
options.FieldNamer = name => name;

The above expects a JSON request like

"Query": "query { People { Id FirstName } }"

And a JSON result like

"People": [
"Id": "123",
"FirstName": "Bob"