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GraphQL subscriptions outline an agreed way for services to define events & clients to subscribe to events with the familiar GraphQL queries.


The GraphQL spec does not define how a server should implement this functionality. EntityGraphQL implements the graphql-ws protocol. This uses web sockets to deliver messages between the client & server. This is well supported by libraries like Apollo.

In EntityGraphQL subscriptions are defined similarly to how mutations are except the return value should be an IObservable<T>. When EntityGraphQL receives a subscription operation from a client, it will

  • execute the registered subscription method
  • subscribe to that result of that method (the IObservable<T>)
  • on receiving new data from the IObservable<T> EntityGraphQL will execute the field selection over the data and publish new data to client

Chat Example

Let's look at a simple chat event. You can see the full code in the subscription example on GitHub.

public class ChatSubscriptions
[GraphQLSubscription("Subscription to new messages")]
public IObservable<Message> OnMessage(ChatService chat)
return chat.Subscribe();

Here is a simple ChatService that uses that the EntityGraphQL supplied Broadcaster<T> class to broadcast new events to any subscribers. The Broadcast<T>.Subscribe() returns an object that implements IObservable<T> which is what the subscription registration method above returns. You could also implement your own IObservable<T>, internally EntityGraphQL calls Subscribe() on the result.

Here is our simple chat service that handles receiving new messages and broadcasting them.

public class ChatService
private readonly Broadcaster<Message> broadcaster = new();

public Message PostMessage(ChatContext db, string message, string user)
var msg = new Message
Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
Text = message,
Timestamp = DateTime.Now,
UserId = user,



return msg;
public IObservable<Message> Subscribe()
return broadcaster;

Setting up our application - register our schema, enable web sockets and GraphQLWebSockets

// ...
builder.Services.AddGraphQLSchema<ChatContext>(options =>
options.ConfigureSchema = (schema) => {

var app = builder.Build();
// ...




app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>


UseGraphQLWebSockets registers a new URL endpoint at /subscriptions by default. This differs to the query/mutation endpoint default of /graphql. You can change either with the path parameter in UseGraphQLWebSockets or MapGraphQL.

If you are using a tool like Postman, it expects the paths to be the same so you will need to tell it the correct path or use UseGraphQLWebSockets<ChatContext>(path: "/graphql").

We will use a mutation to allow clients to post messages as well, it uses the ChatService to post new messages, which as you see above broadcasts new messages to subscribers.

public class ChatMutations
public static Expression<Func<ChatContext, Message>> PostMessage(ChatContext db, string message, string user, ChatService chat)
var postedMessage = chat.PostMessage(db, message, user);
return ctx => ctx.Messages.First(message => message.Id == postedMessage.Id);

Now when a client uses the postMessage mutation (which triggers ChatService.PostMessage()), or anything else in the server that triggers ChatService.PostMessage(), subscribers will receive the new data (only the fields they requested).

What is Happening

Following the graphql-ws protocol, once a client has sent the connection_init message and received the connection_ack message back it can send a subscribe message with a unique ID and the payload is the GraphQL subscription operation:

subscription ChatRoom {
onMessage {

The graphql-ws protocol uses messages to communicate over the web socket connection it has with the server. Multiple subscriptions may be maintained over that connection this way using a unique ID for each subscription.

When EntityGraphQL executes the above graphql it receives the IObservable<T> as the result. No data is sent to the client at this stage. The IObservable<T> result is held with other metadata (like the schema, connection) in a WebSocketSubscription<TQueryContext> object that represents a single subscription on a web socket connection. That connection may have multiple subscriptions.

WebSocketSubscription<TQueryContext> subscribes to the IObservable<T> and on new data it executes the GraphQL field selection over that data and sends the result to the client over the web socket connection as the payload of a next message containing the ID for the subscription.

Load Balances and Lambdas/Functions

In the above chat example we have a way to post new messages and have those new messages published to all clients subscribed. You may be wondering about events triggered on different servers or from other services. For example if you use load balancers to scale, a postMessage may be delivered to server A while some clients have a web socket connection to server B. You will need a way to have server A tell server B that there is new data so it can notify the subscribers.

This is why the GraphQL specification does not dictate implementation details!

A typical implementation of this pattern is using a stream or queue service where your servers or services post events to that and listen for events too. EntityGraphQL does not aim to implement a fully distributed queue system (there ae many great choices). It aims to provide the glue to support the GraphQL subscription specification.

If you are hosting a ASP.NET application behind a load balancer you could have ChatService post message events to a stream/queue, have your application (on each server it is running) subscribe to events from the stream/queue which can then broadcast that event to any subscribers connected.

If you are using lambdas/functions you will have to do a similar thing with a stream or queue with the added complexity of handling web sockets through an API Gateway or similar.


Got ideas that would help users implement these patterns? Please reach out or open a PR with examples!

Query or Mutation over Web Sockets

The graphql-ws protocol also supports executing GraphQL query and mutation operations over the connection. This is supported by EntityGraphQL and follows the specification. However typically clients will use HTTPS for query and mutation operations and web sockets for subscription operations to aid with scale.

Other Implementations

The above GraphQL subscription implementation is based on graphql-ws protocol which uses web sockets. It is provided by the EntityGraphQL.AspNet package. The base EntityGraphQL package does not know about web sockets, there is potential to implement other transport layers or protocols on top of that.

The result you will get from executing a subscription statement as above is the GraphQLSubscribeResult object that looks like this:

public class GraphQLSubscribeResult
// The T in IObservable<T> - the data we are returning
Type EventType { get; }
// Used to call .ExecuteSubscriptionEvent() when you have new data
GraphQLSubscriptionStatement SubscriptionStatement { get; }
// Passed to the ExecuteSubscriptionEvent() call
GraphQLSubscriptionField Field { get; }
// Returns the IObservable<T> object. This is an object because at compile time we can't just cast the IObservable<T> as T is not known to us. See GraphQLSubscriptionStatement.ExecuteAsync() to see where this is created
object GetObservable();

You will be able to subscribe to the IObservable<T> and execute the selection when you have new data available with SubscriptionStatement and Field.